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    1. Aliens Attack the Airport (Pt1) (*Lucid) (TOTM)

      by , 09-03-2014 at 12:06 PM
      Tuesday,3rd of September 2014

      Moon Cycle: 54% Illuminated (First Quarter) in Sagittarius (8 days old)

      Tarot Card of the Day: Two of Pentacles

      Mayan Calender Date: Blue Galactic Hand

      This DILD occoured in the latter REM cycles before a WBTB,using MILD.
      The duration of sleep was approximately 6 hours from 11:45pm until 5:45am.
      Manta used: "Tonight I will have lucid dreams, and I will remember them."

      Colour code: Non - Lucid

      I found myself on the 3rd floor of a enormous brightly lit airport resembling Dubai International with my Mother and Russel Brand.
      We are in transit, and Russel has just smuggled a small portion of drugs onto and off of the plane, mule style.
      There's frantic activity all around us as we and many others wait impatiently for the two large metal lifts to descend through the transparent glass shafts to transport us to the roof, where the airport departure runway lays.

      Suddenly the lights start to flicker and a piercingly loud siren sounds. I look up through wide adrenalized eyes at the transparent shaft where the lifts now shake, shudder and gyrate up down and side to side violently, with the people shrieking and screaming inside...presumably in pain.
      Chaos erupts, and everyone begins to panic...many running around as a headless chickens would.

      "They have control of the power supply!" a middle aged woman shouts at the top of her lungs, trembling in fear.
      I can hear the poor souls in the lift crying loudly in agony for someone to switch the power off.
      I echo their pleads and begin to shout the same.
      "Turn the power OFF!!!!"

      "Shut the f'ck up!There's nothing we can do....Run for your lives!",a security guard hollers.

      I grab my quivering mothers by the hand and we begin to run toward a large convenience store where I catch sight of a green emergency exit symbol hanging overhead.
      I notice that I'm unable to pick up pace and my stride length remains short as I attempt to sprint faster,albeit unsuccessfully. (Dreamsign)

      The omnipresent bolt of lucidity strikes me, and an immediate calm percolates the entire dreamscape.
      I turn to my mom and a she possesses a golden luster which radiates outward like some sort of halo. A modest smile creeps into the corners of her mouth. I feel a tremendous relief and give her a kiss on the forehead.
      I remain calm and decide not to perform ant dream stabilization technique since my visual field is acceptably vivid*.
      I examine the surrounding dreamscape. We stand in bright cavernous passage, with the beige tiles gleaming and shining squeaky clean beneath our feet.
      Many empty craft and clothing stores line the left and right hand side, displaying their products through large square glass windows.
      The emergency exit lay at the very end of the passage,inside a large convenience store.
      A closed liquor store was located directly to my right,and outside stood a medium sized circular metal trash can.

      I recalled the Task of the month and expected to find a fortune cookie beneath the trash can, which I did.
      I unwrapped the small cookie from its thin transparent plastic cover and broke it in half to reveal a stone/tan colored piece of folded paper.
      Unfolding the paper proved to be rather difficult and, to my dismay,revealed nothing but a blank surface.
      Then, on closer inspection, strange symbols and words seemed to magically transcribe themselves onto the sheet...similar to the invisible ink scene in Harry Potter.
      I could only compare the inscriptions having a resemblance to a combination of Greek,Arabic and Hieroglyphs.
      Similar but not identical.

      I discarded the paper and figured i'd try again, looking in the same spot.
      Lo and behold I found second specimen, and upon opening I had the same experience with the magical emergence of the text.
      This time it was in English.

      "BROMIOIDE",I uttered out loud.(Pronounced BRO-MEE-OH-IDE)
      I turned the sheet over, hoping to find a meaning.

      As I focused on the opposite blank side "PZ33" slowly manifested itself, surrounded by a rectangular border
      It then faded away as quickly as it appeared.
      I began to chant the word and letter-digit combination out aloud in order to ingrain it into my pre-frontal cortex so I could remember it in waking life.

      The story doesn't end there, an I continue into a fairly fun and abstract adventure,leading to an abrupt false awakening through a dream meditation...more of which i'll post in Part 2.

      Very excited to have completed my first TOTM

      Updated 09-03-2014 at 12:40 PM by 70480

      non-lucid , lucid
    2. Motorcycle Rampage in the City *(Lucid + Basic Task Attempt)

      by , 08-26-2014 at 02:39 PM
      Monday, 25th August 2014

      Moon Cycle:New Moon in Virgo

      Tarot card of the Day: Ace of Cups

      Mayan Calender:Blue Cosmic Storm

      Nostril less blocked on awakening: Right (Masculine,left brain,logical/analytical)

      This dream occoured on the start of the New Moon on Monday when my girlfriend,myself and two other friends (another couple) decided to hike up one of the nearby mountains and camp out in a secluded cave for a night of shamanism and star-gazing.

      As the clear,still night fell we all consumed a small amount of plant medicines in the form of a tea (San Pedro and Psilocybin).
      The effects where felt, although very mild.
      We made a fire and began telling stories,playing music and chanting before falling asleeping just before the crack of dawn.


      I'm speeding through a city which resembles my hometown on my black Enfield motorbike, still on the initial lucidity realization high. I feel confident and invincible...there seems no reason to stabilize the dream.
      (ln retrospect I should have, as I only maintained a surface level of lucidity)

      I weaved through traffic, knocking pedestrians and cars to pieces knowing that no real bodily harm could transpire.
      Or could it?
      I asked myself the question while taking a particularly long and wide corner and the mental doubt caused the tires to slip from under me .
      I began to slide with my right leg being dragged underneath the bike.

      Swiftly I jumped up and let my bike continue to slide away while i scurried to my feet.
      "it's just a dream,its just a dream...",I reminded myself.

      There was a feeling of angst that the dream was about to end, which caused my behavior to become erratic and crazy to say the least.
      Even though I was conscious and somewhat lucidly aware,it was as if my primal male instincts took over and I was observing my dream body on auto pilot.

      I saw a frozen yogurt cafe on the sidewalk where I just had crashed and sprinted into it in a frenzy.
      Jumping over the counter where various cakes and sweets where displayed, i proceeded to stuff as many flavors of frozen yogurt in my mouth using the cooling dispensers which lay along the far wall.

      "What are you doing?",the cashier shouts from across the other end of the room.
      "Whatever I want!" I reply in a commanding tone.

      I double take at the cashier and notice she is extremely attractive.
      Curly brunette hair ,deep brown eyes,olive skin, curvaceous body and full lips.

      My "cave-man" mentality at the time gets the better of me and I grab her by the arm and pull her into the back room.
      Strangely she complied without any resistance.
      The erotica that ensued was very intense,fast paced and primal...with ripping off clothes, loud shouts and groans and the collision of sweaty bodies... often being thrown around the room.

      Then she uttered something in my ear...
      "Remember what you are here for...."
      I was struck by a sudden clarity and lucidity again.
      "The dream task!"I exclaimed.
      I left the sexual escapades in the back room and ran outside.

      Many dream characters where sitting on the sidewalk in the sunshine drinking around round white tables.
      I took a seat at one of them and asked a chubby short man to tell me a foreign word and its meaning.
      He replied in something that sounded similar to Spanish.
      I then asked a middle aged lady sitting adjacent to him the same question,and she replied in what I could make out to be a French accent.

      Upon awakening I was unable to recall the words or their meaning...only the unique accents in which the DC's spoke.

    3. Basic TOTM July 14

      , 07-06-2014 at 05:50 PM
      3mg Mel, 5 Htp
      Bed at 1215 and sleep by 1245
      WBTB at 430 for about 20 minutes
      Activities: Read previous dream journals, do multiple RCs

      I tossed and turned for a little bit when I went back to bed, I tried to WILD but was not successful. I had a couple other dreams on top of the lucids but wont log them here.

      1. I just slightly remember this one which wasn't lucid but was noteworthy. I was talking to a couple other people who were sitting and we were discussing lucid dreaming. The idea of sexual relations in dreams came up and I said that is always too hard for me to do, I always wake up right away. Just thought it was pretty funny.

      2. This dream is the blurriest of them all. I don't think I was with my daughter but I was at like a kids science center or kids museum or something for kids that was indoors. I ended up doing an RC and had multiple fingers. Lucid: I didn't feel stable at all and kept thinking about waking life. I did another RC and felt the floor and felt how the carpet felt then I felt the wall and it was rather rough. I never got incredibly stable. I decided to do the naked task but all of the DCs disappeared, I ended up getting my pants off I think and as I was doing this I was thinking of DCs being there and I was spinning in circles. Finally I saw an older guy and then a younger girl, before I could get to my shirt the dream faded and I woke.

      3. I was at my house and I believe my wife was home. It began to rain outside and I remembered I had left some of my tools outside. I went outside where it was dark and then I slid my table saw under the overhangs of my house. I got a couple things picked up and then had to go to another area on the other side of the house to pick tools up. The water was starting to gather and I saw a bunch more tools on the ground. I want to saw a lawn mower, another saw and something else. I wanted to put these inside and at this point I think I had a moment of clarity and I did a RC, hands. Lucid: The rain had stopped and it was dark still. I wanted to look for a building for an elevator, i tried to imagine a city or building close to my house and tried to fly up. My first attempt was successful. I concentrated a little more on the flying and was able to take to the sky. As I elevated I started to think of my waking body and began to wake just as soon as I started seeing city lights behind my house.

      4. This was my last, longest and most vivid. I was walking through a building, as I was passing I saw people looking inside and there was some smoke coming out from some of the rooms. This was an indoor area, maybe some small apartment type places but it was a narrow mall inside. Multiple people were standing out in the aisle, I could see wisps of smoke coming out. I had a feeling/knew that a fire had just been put out and they were trying to make sure nothing else was on fire. I got outside and I was on a city block, I did an RC for some reason (fingers). Lucid: I saw a tall building with blackened out windows across the street and knew there would be an elevator inside. As I headed across the street I decided to do the naked task at the same time since there was bound to be people in the building. I got my pants off as soon as I walked in the front door. I saw a bunch of DCs and they just looked at me. I really wante3d a reaction out of them but got nothing, just stared. There were several of them waiting in a central lobby and a receptionist when i went in. I really honed in on their faces but they just stared blankly. I was taking my shirt off at this point and also imagining an elevator as I turned the corner. I turned left a couple of times and there it was, a single elevator door which was silver and of course it was closed. The elevator was next to an area where they were cooking food, I had my shirt off but was still struggling to get it off my wrists, like there was some buttons that I needed to get off. But for all intensive purposes I was in the buff. I had managed to push the elevator button to call it down but it was on floor 27, so I thought I would be waiting for awhile. For some reason I woke as I was waiting for the elevator, I may have thought of waking life.

      Next time I will be sure to picture an open elevator as I am rounding the corner.
    4. Attacked; TotM

      by , 06-07-2014 at 10:12 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      The Family Feast

      I was at a dinner table with my family. I must have been little, because I was sitting on a dictionary as a booster seat. I looked around and my grandpa was there. He passed away about 5 months ago, so I knew that I was dreaming. I did a reality check to confirm. I decided not to stay here, so I walked out the door and flew away. I decided to go and find James, using my house method as before. Well, suddenly I was interrupted.

      "Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukin!!!" A girl screamed out from below.

      "Huhh??" I thought. That was unexpected. I flew down from the sky to investigate.

      Suddenly, I was being attacked by a woman with a HUGE knife. The surprise caused the dream to destabilize and
      I woke up, dammit.

      Task of the Month

      I was at home, when I noticed an alarm going off in the dining room. I looked at the time - 5:50pm already? No...it couldn't be. I did a reality check - dreaming. After being attacked, I wasn't in the mood to find James anymore, so I decided to do the Task of the Month. I couldn't remember exactly what it was, but I did remember reading someone's entry about repeating what their DC said, so I decided to try that one.

      I walked to the living room, and found my target: my friend's girlfriend.

      Me: "Hey"

      Her: "Hey"

      Me: "Hey"

      Her: "...Sup?"

      Me: "Sup"

      Her: "...HEY SUP WHATEVER"


      Her: "SKLJSLKSD" *speaking in tongues*

      Me: "SKLJSLKSD" *speaking in tongues*

      She caught on to what I was doing and twisted it, the little bitch.

      Her: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," she moaned.

      God dammit

      Me: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"

      Her: "Oh my god! You're SO INAPPROPRIATE, Zukin!!" She yelled and stormed off.
    5. [WILD] A Series of Unparalleled Events

      by , 01-12-2014 at 11:34 PM
      Date: 1-13-14
      Time: 1:52 A.M. - 5:03 A.M.
      Technique(s) Used: N/A
      Non-Dream | Dream | Lucid
      This is the longest WILD I've had - in fact, the longest lucid dream, as well, so excuse the length

      The dream began with me waking up from my bed. From the moment I got up, I alread knew that I was dreaming.

      The house was dark, not many lights on. I ran my hand across walls to stabilize, and went to the living room.

      The lights were dimmed, but not so dim that I couldn't see. Everything was in its rightful place - nothing out of the ordinary.

      A few knocks echo from within. I go to the door, and see that it is a friend of mine. I open the door and let him inside, but take note that his eyes seemed awfully black.

      He comes inside, and immediately takes a swing at me. I had to fight him. Though I was dreaming, I did not have any great fighting moves - I simply tripped him up and hammered him with punches.

      In an effort to get away, he suddenly transformed into an action figure. He shot his limbs at me, to try and deter me from his escape. Unphased, I picked it up, tore off the head, and threw it outside. The moment I did, the sun rose, and brightened up the day.

      I stood outside, and looked to my left. There were several groups of other teenagers that seemed to be congregating some general thought. I began thinking of things I could do in the dream.

      The tasks of the month were the first to penetrate my thoughts. I turned to ask my mother, who was at the screen door, what her new years resolution was. She held a nore of 'umm' for a bit, then dodged it by asking me what mine was. I shoo the question away, and go in search of a better answer.

      I was swallowed by the group, and began asking around, seeing if anybody had a resolution. None did - their answers just the same as my mothers, only a lot more 'I don't knows'.

      I was going to go somewhere else to ask a different character, when all of a sudden a good friend of mine stood out within the crowd, donning many winder clothes. I ran to her, and asked her what her resolution was. All she said was 'Disney' - I assumed she meant to watch more.

      As we sit on the grass, I decided to try out the other basic task - I said to her, "Hey, it's night time."

      She responded with, "It's not night time - IT'S PRIME TIME!"

      I look to my left, and see that all of the teens are sitting as well - why? Looking to my right, I see a large skyscraper, with a huge TV attatched to it. It was playing a movie.

      Unable to remember any other tasks of the month, I decided to try and look them up while in the dream. I got up and turned to go inide, only to notice that my house had been replaced by a massive complex.

      I ran up the stairs, desperate to find a door. I suddenly stop, and say to myself, "Hey, I'm dreaming! Why am I trying to find a door?" I fall face first through the roof I am on.

      Down through darkness I descend, until a computer monitor begins to hum. I look at the screen, and see that it is on Dream Views. It was stuck on one thread - I cannot remember the name.

      Disappointed, I left, and emerge in a small housing area. There were train tracks that led through the area, but no station. Near the tracks, two girls, donning black, waited. I knew one, but not the other. Next to the tracks was a building that had no doors - just a hole.

      I went in and observed the space. There were games and stores all around. I assumed it was a sort of mall, and went back outside.

      When I went back outside, the girls were gone. I paid no further heed to this, and proceeded to climb a building. I made it up effortlessly.

      On top, I saw a bird. It flew away, and gave me the thought: Why don't I play a little god work? I began to recreate the bird, but in my own image - it was cold and metallic. I look to my left, and see if fly towards me. I catch it, observe my handiwork, and let it take flight once again.

      Climbing down, I hear several conversations going on. One guy said, "How could she like him over such a fabulous guy like me?" After I heard this, I was handed a notebook by a character. I found it odd that he handed it to me so absentmindedly - as if it were just automatic.

      I take it, and look inside. Written it is was this: '7:00. Don't be late.' I thought of the girls waiting for the train, and ran back inside the mall.

      I asked tons of people if anybody knew where the 7:00 train was headed. Nobody knew. One vendor, in broken English, told me to go down a different corridor - someone down there knew. I thanked him and ran down there.

      I go down a green hallway, and reach a nursing office. I asked the woman inside if she knew where the 7:00 train was going. She said that it was going to a village on the border of Korea. I thought of a way to get there.

      I walked up to a pale wall and ran my finger down it. This caused it to crack. I stuck my fingers in the crack, and opened it. It made a portal to a mirrored copy of a nursing office in Korea. I thank the woman, and step inside. Shutting the rift, I run my thumb on it, sealing the crack.

      Walking outside, I was confronted by a group. Whether they were just thugs or Korean police, I didn't know - but I knew I couldn't stay there. Jumping in a flying car, I drove away. However, they followed in their own cars.

      I was gunned down, but a large aircraft took hold of me and carried me to safety. I blacked out,and when I awoke, I was back in my bed, still in a dream.

      I went into the bright living room, and saw that my mother had made peppermint fudge, as indicated by the small candy canes on top. I went to the door, and looked out the window. I saw the sithouette of the aircraft that had saved me, and
      woke up.
    6. Japanese Dragons

      by , 11-20-2013 at 06:05 PM
      I used WILD to fall asleep as I do every night. I was lucid from when I first entered the dream. I was Charizard. I flew up into the air to go to Japan. After a while I was there. I went in a sushi restaurant and eat sushi. It tasted really really really sweet. Sweeter than any sushi I have ever eaten before. Then I crashed through the wall and wondered what to do next. I then remembered the task of the month. I saw a light blue dragon and a purple dragon walking down the street. I asked them what they were most thankful for. They said that they were most thankful for and the light blue dragon replied that she was most thankful for being able to lucid dream. The purple dragon said she was most thankful for being able to fly and she flew up into the air and flew away. I then throw a pie at the light blue dragons face. She liked her face with her GINORMOUS tong and breathed fire and burned down a few buildings. I then felt really really dizzy and I fell over. I began to panic since this has never happened to me before. The dream began to fade I then woke up. Now I think about it that always used to happen to me when I got excited in a dream or when I was about to wake up from a dream when I was younger. Maybe it has just started to happen to me again.
    7. Oct 8, TOTM Blitz

      by , 10-08-2013 at 12:35 PM
      Green = Dream
      Blue = Lucid

      The furthest back I can remember I was on my way to meet a recently deceased friend for lunch. I hadn't seen her in a while so I was kind of looking forward to it. I remember driving around and being rather confused as to where I was going. Then I started having a conversation with someone about how they had just lost the place they were living because the landlord found a small tent which was half full of "paraphernalia". He didn't go into what that entailed but the dream shifted to his memory at this point.

      Apparently a handful of college kids were renting some this guy's garage/shed and had managed to make a big mess of things. There he was, screaming at them because it had been totally trashed but none of them actually knew why it had been so messed up. As he stormed off, one of the kids decided that they might as well clean up before they leave, and started to do so but somehow a fire started. The landlord came back screaming again, but didn't even notice the fire. One of the kids actually had to bust through a door with a fire extinguisher, almost hitting the landlord in the process, in order to get to the fire.

      The fire had exposed a small hole that ran underneath part of the floor. A quick look inside revealed a ton of huge rats. But these weren't ordinary rats, they were sentient. They were also all sorts of different colors and sizes, as well as capable of speech. I remember playing with them and asking about their social hierarchy, they had no idea what I was talking about.

      Then one of the kids got bit, and another told him he was going to get rabies. Understandably, he was freaking out, so I had to calm him down. I told him that rabies can infect any mammal, but not rodents such as rats, mice, squirrels, or rabbits. He insisted that he felt ill, and I explained to him that it was likely anxiety. I began to explain how I mitigate anxiety when I realized I was dreaming.

      I immediately remembered that I needed to find some kids at halloween. I walked out of the garage and turned the corner expecting to find some. There I was walking down the hallway of a school. Kids were dressed up in costume and had apparently stuffed their backpacks with all sorts of treats and things they had gotten from each class.

      I first summoned my connection to venom. Six sickly green glowing orbs appeared behind me, chained to my back. I focused the energy from them into my right hand and then concentrated on the concept of "candy" while an orb of venom energy formed in my palm. I then snapped my fingers and streams of energy lept from my hand and to the various backpacks and bags of the surrounding kids.

      "Your candy is now all poisoned!" I yelled, followed by maniacal super-villain laughter. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you." I said to a passing young girl, who defiantly popped a piece in her mouth before immediately blanching, and falling over stone cold dead.

      "I'm the only one who can consume the candy now!" I exclaimed, before outstretching my left hand, which I have engineered to absorb. Candy began flying through the air, at me, and flowing into the void vortex in the left palm. I often refer to this process as "eating" as it is consumption followed by becoming. Oddly, this wasn't going very fast, perhaps I'm just used to absorbing energy or one or two small things through my hand, because candy began to back up my throat, which caused me to pause and re-swallow said pieces. All the time, the kids are watching me with an odd fascination. They don't like that I've poisoned their candy, but the fact that it's all flying out of their bags and towards me is kind of cool to watch.

      That wasn't working well enough, so I moved to tactic two, which I normally reserve for when I want to eat something large like an entire person. I grab my chest, dig my fingers into my sternum before tearing my chest open. I am now split open from my nose to my stomach as if I had a vertical mouth which extends that far. Indeed, the edges are lined with sharp teeth. Inside is nothing but the darkness of the void. Black tendrils spew forth from this void and physically grab the candy from the kids. This is a bit much, it freaks them all out, and they begin to run around in a panic.

      After I've "eaten" all of the candy, I realized that I feel very strange. At first I'm confused because I'm immune to the effects of my own venom. As I stumble away, thinking, "I need to go home and lay down" a little kid who apparently wasn't scared by my antics says "you know! you shouldn't eat that much sugar at once."

      Odd random fragment follows. I was being chased by a car with no front wheels. I also woke up way early and decided to stay in bed and rehearse the dream so that I could remember it. Woke up several times and had to remind myself that I wasn't allowed to modify my memory of it. Had other little fragments during their period, including a fight against another chimera but also alongside a few as well.
    8. Scaring a kid, receiving a spell and performing an odd banishing ritual

      by , 10-03-2013 at 04:48 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Scaring a kid, receiving a spell and performing an odd banishing ritual. (DILD)


      I was in an old building that apparently was some sort of school, but if felt very old school, about from the 1800.

      I realized I was in a dream, as there are no such buildings here in San Diego.

      I immediately recalled the basic task of the month, about scaring a kid. Since it was a creepy place, I decided that it would be an easy task, so I hided behind a wall and when a small kid was walking by I jumped and roared. The kid freaked out and started to run until he looked back and stop running. The kid approached at me and told me he thought I was one of the Cursed Ones. I felt a little curious about it so I asked more information to the kid.

      I got very involved in the story, which is was about cursed sous that lived underneath the school and sometimes they came as Ghouls to hunt other people (Ghouls is a mythological creature that is kind of like a Zombie, but instead of the classic zombie, they are possessed by evil spirits and they are very strong and evil, they just kill, not eating brains, etc) I did not believe as much the kid so I just decided to explore the school. I entered into a library that was full of dusted books and it was very creepy, I found it funny. Suddenly, I had four persons behind me. They were like over six feet tall and they were muscular. They were staring at me with a hostile purpose. The chased me and I tried to fight back without success, until one small kid appeared out of nowhere and threw something at the ground that was flashing, like a very bright spark and the ghouls banished. I thanked the kids and they explained to me that the library was cursed and that someone needed to lock it up, as people was in danger.

      While with the children around (three small kids, about 6-8 years old) I was thinking out loud, "I am a Psychic Medium and I have done banishings before, never saw something like this."
      (I am a Psychic Medium in waking life, so I was not 100% unconscious in the dream, but this part was not lucid for my impression) The kids smiled at me and grabbed my hands stating, "You will be the one that will lift the curse, you will help us." I started to think that it was dangerous to go without my partner who does banishing rituals with me (with she does in waking life) But I kind of went with the flow. I planned to call her until I realized that being in a dream I could not call her and I was safe of harms way. We approached a small house and there was a female ghoul standing next to them. She claimed to be a witch so I asked her to throw me a spell. She rose her hand and threw me like a big cloud of purple mist around me. The dream started to go blurry and I focused in embracing the spell to succeed the advanced task, and the dream started to go clear again, being successful at the advanced task.

      While I maybe decided to take of and fly away, one of the kids told me, "It is time to get started, we need to search for the portal."
      I lost lucidity right away, as I accepted and wanted to see where this dream took me. We entered this house and it was full of dust, without any lights and with very old school furniture laying around. I could both see and sense angry spirits, roaming around. I saw a creepy elevator


      and I knew I needed to take it. The kids wanted to stay back, but I asked them to stay with me, I told them that my Spirit Guides were protecting them. So we entered the elevator and it started to go down. A very demonic voice started to say stuff, I cannot recall what it was but it was menacing. The kids started to faint in a corner of the elevator, and I did feel that the pressure was going up, it was hard to breath, but I held the energy and protected the kids until the elevator opened to a garden of withered flowers. I could see several ghouls staring at us and wanting to attack, but if we stared at them, they would not move. We walked through the garden, the sky was very gray and like about to rain until we saw an even creepier house, such house was like in ruins, so we entered it.

      One of the kids said we needed to search for the inner portal, so I started to move stuff around, as I knew it was going to be hidden. Behind a stove, I saw a small hole in the wall, it was not bigger than a fist, and I could saw a door behind it, so upon moving the stove away, I started to kick the wall. It was a fake wall that fell apart and then, I could reach the door.

      After walking through the door, I was in a giant room. There were giant poker cards (about 7 feet tall, 4 feet wide) that were moving up and down, trying to drop on us to kill us, but we were able to avoid all of these. I then saw there was some sort of ghoul sorcerer controlling the cards.

      We were in another big room, and the end of the room, there was a house as well, but a smaller house. It could not be more creepy and I was able to even feel a dark mist around it. As we entered the house, I heard a very loud and menacing roar. I knew I was close to the source of this energy and started to trash the house. In a room, I saw in the floor a steel plate, it was locked by a chain and a lock. I looked for something sharp to break the chain, until I found an odd sharp tool (it did not look like anything real) but I was not able to break the chain. However, I pulled the chain altogether and the steel plate moved, revealing some sort of small carpet with a dark mist around. The carpet had the drawings on an altar, a ghost and some weird letters, not known in this planet. I placed my hands on the carpet and started to channel reiki and do intent to banish the energy
      (this is not even close to how it is in real life) and after a while, I opened my eyes. There was nothing around me, it all was a gray mist moving very fast, so I figured I needed to keep working on the vanishing, until I was back at the school. The kids were not around, but I wanted to inform someone of what happened and that the school was cleared. A bit after, I woke up.

      Updated 10-07-2013 at 04:39 PM by 31830

      non-lucid , lucid , task of the month
    9. Two Tasks of the Month: Hugging and Punching the Pres.

      by , 07-15-2013 at 06:43 PM
      I just completed a couple of the Tasks of the Month.

      The dream starts and ends fuzzy, but I do remember the lucid part in the middle.

      I was at my grandparents' home (This home shows up more than any other home in my dreams. I also dream about my childhood house. But I never ever dream about my current home).

      I saw a group of girls standing on the neighbors' driveway. I went up to them. One of them recognized me. And smiled and called me to come join them. At the same time I recognized her as my childhood friend Jenny. I don't remember what happened next, but I was suddenly floating for them. I had wanted to show off my ability.

      I think lucidity hit me at this point. But I don't remember how I got in the building that I found myself in next when I decided to do the Tasks.

      My first thought was that I needed to find a volcano, but seeing that I was in a building, I decided I needed to do one that didn't require a huge change of scenery. I had to think for a moment. I had only read over the tasks once at the beginning of the month and I hadn't thought about them like I normally do at the time I do a WBTB. Then two popped into my head. I needed to hug someone then punch President Obama.

      The building I was in was very large and ornate. There were official people walking around me. I looked to see if I could see Obama, but he was no where to be seen. But I had an idea. I would hug the next guy I saw and after I hugged them they would be transformed into the president.

      So I did just that. I ran to a random guy and pulled him to me and hugged him. The guy just stood and let me. When I stepped back, sure enough, there was Pres Obama with a completely blank look on his face. Obviously the hug didn't do anything for him. I wondered if a punch in the face would. I have never punched anyone in the face in real life before, but I figured it couldn't be too hard since this was a dream. So I pulled back my fist a bit and swung it right into his face. I was glad that the impact didn't hurt my fist. I was also a little glad that Obama still had that blank look on his face. But then I heard all the security guys coming. I took off flying. The building as a maze. I couldn't find a way out, and everywhere I turned I saw guys with guns.

      I was getting nervous. But I knew I was dreaming, so I should have control. An idea came to me. I would just make myself grow and break out of the building. So I did. I got bigger and as I did I pushed through the walls and made a big mess of the building. I finally stepped out and onto the street. I looked back and was a little horrified to see the beautiful building completely destroyed in one corner.

      This is where I must have lost lucidty. Because I remember flying around and meeting with this guy that was supposed to be my dad and we were trying to get away from an alien invasion.

      Fragments I remember: Reading a letter he had written that had to do with space ships that could help us escape.

      Flying up to a building that had a balcony with a pond on it and me landing by the pond and looking in.
    10. Funny money (lucid)

      by , 07-10-2013 at 07:33 PM
      I am with my mother outside, and we are having an argument (can't remember what it was about) Suddenly, I am in her bedroom, sitting on the floor and she wakes up. She gives me money, saying it's a bonus for my birthday. Some is real money some is Canadian tires money. The money keeps shifting, and it makes me think it might be a dream. I pinch my nose, and I can breath through it. I become lucid at this successful reality check. I remember one of the tasks for this month, the hug a dc. My mother is the closest so I hug her, then ask her if she liked it, and she says "I don't know". I then wake up.
    11. Mr. Hugs The Firecracker Eater

      by , 07-07-2013 at 11:41 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      I was trying to incubate a beach dream during MILD. It didn't quite work out. I was feeling really wakeful alread and was afraid I wasn't going to get to sleep in the first hour so I have to keep it short to quite my mind enough.

      #196 - MILD - 4:49AM

      I am driving to/from that I think was the beach. Was is the Georgia trip? It starts snowing ridiculously hard and the scene whites out.

      I have a FA and I know that I am dreaming. I am in the house from my late teenage years. My parents are milling about not paying attention to me. I remember the task to hug a DC. My dad is the closest and I reach out and hug him tightly. I remember negative feelings I have toward him and I let them go. I say, "I love you, Dad." He doesn't really seem to react much to this but I feel good telling him that and I continue down stairs.

      The scene skips head. (Who wants to walk down stairs in a dream?) I am at the front door and when I open it I see that it is snowing with some accumulation. I say, "Oh! Snow!" I take a long slow floating leap off the porch but realize the snow is not that deep. I turn over to my back and think, The snow is deep. The snow is deep. When I land the snow is sure enough deep but it's a little too deep. I create a large deep hole and snow caves in on me.

      I have another FA. I start to reach for my DJ but something feels off. Am I still dreaming? Do a nose plug and blow through. It didn't feel very clean so I blew harder a few more times. Once satisfied I get up and exit the door. I realize I am in the first house I bought with my ex-wife. I see her sitting in a couch in the living room at the end of the hallway. When I get to the living room I notice my mom on the other couch holding a baby. Ignore them and sit next to my ex. For the moment I feel like I am in the past. I hug her and remember old feelings and the good times we had.I begin to make out with her. It seems awkward that my mom is in the room but I know that if I ignore her she will not exist. Everything feels like it used to but soon she starts morphing into my current wife. The scene becomes very much like Vanilla Sky and I push away from her feeling guilty and confused.

      I have another FA. I nose plug and continue out of the room. There is a long hallway in the darkness and as I walk it begins to grow and stretch longer and longer. My crotch feels odd and I get the feeling like some force is holding me back. I start to panic. I realize this is turning nightmarish so I relax, calm myself and focus on moving forward. Almost instantly I am at the end. There is really large living room with a kitchen bar to the left. Where am I this time? It's too dark to see but I notice some red led on the wall. Must be a smoke detector I reach on the adjacent wall and feel for a light switch. I flip it expectantly and a the light on a ceiling fan brightens the room. The room looks alien yet familiar. It feels like some apartment. I yell making funny sounds just to hear the odd dream sound of my voice. Then, I try to think what to do and all I can remember is the fireworks task. I spot a buffet with a lot of junk on it. I start rummaging around and pick up a match. I say, "There's the matches." Then I see a single bottle rocket. I looks just like a Moon Traveler. "There's the firework." I put the match in my mouth and then the bottle rocket. I have to break the stick to get it to fit and have a hard time swallowing. I feel like I might choke so I just let it sit there and it quickly dissolves. Now I point my finger across the room at some glass sliding doors. I feel uncertain how this so I just point and wait. I try to focus on the bottle rocket shooting out of my finger tip but I wake up before anything happens.

      Updated 07-07-2013 at 12:06 PM by 5967

      lucid , task of the month
    12. Task of the Month: Standing on my Head--both versions

      by , 07-06-2013 at 04:24 PM

      I read about the Lucid Tasks yesterday and told myself the next time I was lucid I would do those. Apparently it's good for me to set goals like that becasue I got lucid last night and completed both tasks.

      Lucid Tasks Dream:

      I was having camera problems and was feeling very frustrated. There was something I really wanted to take a picture of (though I can't remember what it was).

      Something in my mind reminded me that this meant that there was a chance I was dreaming. I didn't want to think about that possibility because that meant that whatever it was that I was taking a picture of was not real, and I really wanted it to be real.

      But I decided to try to fly anyway, and wasn't too surprised when I took off gliding and knew that this was a dream.

      I then remembered the Tasks that I wanted to try.

      I landed on the ground again. I was on the side of a nearly empty city street. I could see no cars and very few people.

      I decided to try the basic task first--the simple headstand. So I bent over with my hands down, just like I would do a hand stand in a pool. I put my head on the pavement and tried to balance my legs in the air. At first I was having trouble maintaining balance. I had to tel myellf, "Oh come on... this is a dream. I should be able to do this with no problems." And at that I steadied myself and held a headstand.

      Pleased with myself, I decided to try the more advanced version of a headstand. I wasn't sure how this one would work. I had never separated body parts on a dream before. I had no idea if they would come off easily or not. Would it hurt at all?

      I grabbed my head in my hands and started giving a sideways pull. I wasn't sure if anything was happening. Then I noticed my shadow on the ground in front of me and I realized that that would be a great help.

      I then watched as I slid my head off my shoulders (no pain or discomfort at all) and lowered it to the ground. I also didn't noticed any change with the way I was viewing things. My vision remained focused on the shadow.

      I placed my head on the ground next to my feet. I felt no sensation on my head at all as I carefully stepped up on my head. My feet, however, were bare, and I could feel my head and hair under my feet. I stood there for a moment.

      And then must have lost lucidity because I remember nothing else.
    13. TOTM Possibly? Name In The Sand

      by , 07-04-2013 at 06:19 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      I went to sleep at about 01:30 last night and woke up at 07:15, I decided to get a last hour of sleep from 07:30 to 08:30 before I properly got up for sixth form. I had no dreams before this hours sleep and in the sleep I got an LD and completed a task of the month!

      Dream 1

      I am in a kayak in the middle of a lake and its once again night time, I'm paddling about and water starts to come inside the kayak. This is where I become lucid and nose plug. It is a dream and I think of what I want to do, I remember thinking of trying the TOTM, I was in the middle of a lake and round this lake was plenty of sand to write my name in. Also I thought I'd attempt the prime minister one after, I couldn't remember what the other two were.

      I was then on the shore, behind the sand was a woodland area, it was dark so it was kinda spooky. I knelt down and started writing my name. I wrote 'Ryan' however it turned upside down, it was confusing. So I tried it again, I wrote something before 'Ryan' this time, I'm struggling to recall what it was I think it was 'My name is Ryan.' Anyway this time it worked. Mission accomplished it was time to move onto my next goal.

      Now it was time to try and summon David Cameron. I thought to myself, when I turn around David Cameron will walk out of the woods. I was standing just before the entrance to the woods. I turned round and nothing was there. I noticed a note on the tree, like Slenderman haha. I walked up to it and it was a doodle which said 'David Cameron is not here you silly SKET' LOL! This made me laugh.
      That is the last I recall.
    14. LD: Three Tasks (gibberish, mirror, getting naked)

      by , 06-25-2013 at 07:18 PM
      I finally got lucid and got three tasks done.

      I got up at 5:00 to exercise, but then changed my mind and decided to have a lucid dream. So I laid back down in bed with my head slightly propped up on pillows and willed myself into a dream. It wasn't really a WILD since I don't remember the transition. But I do know that as soon as the dream started I was already lucid.

      I was in an apartment with Jeff. I decided to get started on the tasks right away. I walked up to him and started to speak gibberish. He squinted a little as if trying to figure out what I was doing. I stopped for a second, but he still didn't really react, so I stared right back up with the gibberish. Finally he pulled me to him and started kissing me.

      Nice....speaking gibberish gets me a kiss.

      After the kiss I ran to the bathroom to find a mirror. As I got close to the bathroom I could see in, and I already saw an image of myself in a mirror. I knew I shouldn't have been able to see myself yet since the angle was all wrong. So I went all the way in the bathroom and faced the mirror. As I entered I could see what looked like my true reflection follow me in. The other image was still three doing its own thing. I moved around, and the new reflection did what I did. In both reflections my face was somewhat in the shadows, I was wearing a light orange t-shirt, and my skin was very tan. Often my reflection in dreams is very distorted. But this one was pretty normal (except for the addition of the second reflection).

      At that point I was satisfied that I had done enough to complete that task. So I decided to move on to the next task which was to get naked in front of people. I went to the window. I saw that I was at least 10 stories high. Without hesitating I flew out. Below me I could see people in a large open courtyard area. I flew down and landed next to some older ladies that were sitting on a bench. I briefly told them that I was going to complete a lucid task to get naked and get a reaction from people. I then took off my shirt. One of the ladies had an amused look on her face and said, "Well that should make people smile."

      I then tried to take off my shorts. I got them down over my hips and down my legs, but had trouble getting my feet out of them. I struggled for a minute, then realized that I didn't need to worry anymore about it. I moved on to find more people to get a reaction from (and the shorts were just gone). I saw some men working to move some furniture out of a truck. They glanced up at me and sure enough, they smiled, and then went right back to work. I went up to several more people who were walking by and each of them smiled and then went about their business.

      Hmmm....speaking gibberish get me kissed. Getting naked gets me a glance and a smile.

      I got tired of doing that so I flew back up into the air. I flew up the side of the building that supposedly my apartment was in. The outside was brick with Boston Ivy growing on it. It was very pretty. I got up to about the 9th floor and I suddenly was slowing down. I knew I wouldn't be able to fly any higher. Before I started floating back down to the ground, I saw that the building at the point had metal bars that I could grab ahold of. I knew that my mind had put these here so I could continue to go higher. I started climbing up these bars like a ladder using only my arms. I climbed to where my window was and then jumped out and started flying again. The flying felt really good. I paid a lot of attention to the way the wind felt on my face and the sound of it rushing by my ears. After a minute or so of this I started to get dizzy. I knew the dream was fading, and I figured it was okay since I had accomplished so much.
    15. Grim Reaper Lucid

      by , 04-02-2013 at 10:35 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      I was walking down the street, with this one guy. We were in like, a busy city, with flashing lights and speeding cars. After around five minutes of talking, we spot this black hood, in the distance. The man's face is completely hidden, and he stands tall with confidence and power, holding what appears to be a scythe. He begins moving towards us, but not in the normal way, he kind of hovers over the ground, at a very fast speed. My companion and I begin to run, and the reaper gives chase. He follows us for a considerable time, when a young woman joins our party, also apparently a target. We begin shouting at each other, discussing what to do. I insist that my male companion goes to his hotel room, and the woman and I will venture to her hotel room. The only reason I want this is because I know the reaper will have less chance of catching us, if we convince him to go after the other guy. He eventually splits, but unfortunately the reaper continues to pursue us. We climb the escalator, running whilst it goes up. However, we have lots of trouble as we can't help but trip as we rise. I barely make it up the stairs, when I look back to find her cluttered on the floor. The reaper climbs the stairs about three times faster than us, and catches up to her. She manages to kick him away, which only results in him moving back a metre or so, but allows her to make it up the stairs. We part ways, opting to select different routes, and I run into the food court. After attempting to hide, and only have the reaper come closer and closer to my location, I made a run for it, and jumped back down the elevator stairs. I take a left outside, and now the outside has changed into a different location. It's more like a rural airport, with plenty of open space. I hear the reaper inquiring as to where I am, and I struggle to keep my cool. I hear him say "Have you seen Daniel's brother" (Daniel is my girlfriend's brother, so the line of questioning wasn't really exact, but of course he still managed to nearly get me killed) So, I run across to the side of the building and think "I'll just go over here and wake myself up..." GAAAAAAAH.
      I become lucid, and decide to 'fuck shit up' in the bluntest of terms.
      I fly up into the building, and decide to shoot the reaper. I get my gun to shoot a bullet, after a few faulty starts, and it falls to the floor, and dissipates on the ground. I shoot a few plates on people's tables, just to mess with them and freak them out, until I finally fly outside, into a swamp land. I have someone accompanying me now, I'm not sure who it was. We eventually come across three hill billies, and they begin acting aggressive towards us. I whisper to my friend to pass me a gun, (As this is my go-to method of acquiring objects in my lucid dreams) and I receive a pistol. They begin walking towards us menacingly, and I manage to shoot all three of them in non-lethal areas before they could attack us. They fall to the ground in agony, and eventually these... swamp people? Rise from the waters, and arrive on the land. The hill billy's see this as a positive sign, but I just know in my head that they're on our side. The hillbilly's call out "Thank god you've come! I bet you're ready to take care of those two" they say, wailing in agony. The swamp people shake their heads, there were three of them. "No, you've been fishing in our waters for too long, and polluting our land, it's time to take care of you" I watch as they begin moving towards them, and I decide to walk off, before I see anything too gruesome. Suddenly, I'm in Woolworths, the store I work at. I look around, and it has the exact same layout that it does in real life. I have this brain breaking epiphany, about the task of the month. The funny thing is, I haven't even READ the thread. I recall that Bill told me about it on my DEILD guide, so I decided to try them out. I'm not sure if this is correct (I still have to go check!) But I walked up to a man and a woman. Evidently shopping for their daily groceries. I lick the many's shirt, and it tastes a peculiar bitterness, with a really strong sour flavour. (It wasn't as disgusting as it sounds, considering I knew it was just a dream) I went up the lady, and asked if I could smell her neck, she obliged, and I soon discovered that she was wearing a really sweet perfume. Finally, I ran down to the end of the store, at the last register. I found two customers, looking at some glass jars. I decided to show off, and I said "Guess what?! You're in my dream, I'm having a lucid dream" They were very impressed, and nodded vigorously. I looked at the glass, and decided to shoot it in front of them. I pulled out nothing but my hand, which was configured in the way that children often form hand pistols. I decided to give it a shot, pointed it at the glass, and yelled "BANG." The glass shattered, and I repeated the process. They were pretty amused, and the lady even gave it a shot. She pointed out her finger and shouted "BANG," although nothing happened, which caused her to walk away bitterly, with a very stern look on her face. As far as I know, I then woke up.
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